Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Extinction

There are many theories on how the dinosaurs went extinct. Some theories are far-fetched such that aliens killed them,but the theories that a meteor or volcanic eruptions can be more scientifically proven.

    In the 1970's Walter Alverez discovered High levels of iridium in the Cretacious/Tertairy (K/T) boundary. Iridium is found in the the earth's core, but never in the mantel or crust. Meteors carry iridium. Shocked quartz, formed by high pressure , are found in the (K/T) boundary. Later a crater was found in the Yucaton Peninsula, showing that the meteor was approximately 10km wide. A meteor that size would have made shock waves of 100,000 billion sticks of dynamite.After the impact tiny bits of rocks are blasted into the sky, and fell back down heating up the sky causing forest fires. Also toxic waste was launched into the sky which blocked out the sun and killed all the plants and dinosaurs.

  There is some proof that a volcanic eruption killed the dinosaurs. The Decan Traps in India is a long chain of igneus rocks formed by a volcano or volcanos. There are still debates that lava could not kill all the dinosaurs. Some scientists said that a volcanic eruption can realease 33 trillion tons of corbon dioxcide, 6 trillion tons of sulfur, and 66 billion tons of flourine and chlorine gas, causing simular effects as a meteor.

  Although the meteor theory is accepted to be true there is one puzzling question: Why did some animals die and others didn't? I leave this question for you to awnswere.    

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How Dinosaurs Got Extinct

Dinosaurs have been extinct for thousands of years. Here is what I believe, a giant meteorite bigger than mount Everest crashed in Mexico. The impact caused  disaster such as strong winds and fire.The explosion could not have went around the whole world, acid rain and the heat killed the rest of them.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


The seismosaurus is the worlds biggest  dinosaur. It is 50 meters long and 100,000 pounds.

 It was discovered by 4 hikers in New Mexico in 1979. Their names were Arthur Loy, Jan Cummings, Frank Walker, and Bill Norlander. They announced that they found a dinosaur, but the government did not have the tools to dig it up. In 1985 a man named David Gillete decided to dig it up. It took him about 7 years to dig it up.In 1991 he had uncovered it, but he had to try to mach it's bones with other dinosaur bones to see            if it was that dinosaur. He finally announced that it was a new dinosaur. He called it the Seismosaurus which means earthquake lizard. It's name suits it because it was big enough to shake the ground when it walks.


Friday, November 4, 2011

Sue The T-rex

In the summer of 1990, a group of workers from the Black Hills Institute were looking for fossils at the Cheyenne River Reservation. They found an Edmontosaurus's bones, and they were ready to leave, but they had a flat tire. Sue Hendrickson decided to explore the cliffs while team went to town to fix the flat. She found two small fossils. When the team came back, she showed the fossils to them,and they identified them as T-rex fossils.

They named the t-rex Sue, after Sue Hendrickson. Sue is the largest T-rex. Sue was auctioned for 8.36 million dollars, That is the most money ever paid for a fossil. Sue permanently remains in the Field Museum Of Natrural History in Chicago, Illnois.

Friday, October 28, 2011

I am back

I am back. I will try to post as often as I can. My next post will be about a  t-rex

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mystery Dinosaur: Flying Pterosaurs

Warning: Don't just scroll down. Guess first.

I am a large pterosaur and I am believed to have migrated long distances. I have a 40 feet wingspan and pluck fish out of the water during flight. My fossils have been found in South America and Europe. 

What am I?

A. Pteranodon

B. Tapejara

C. Ornithocheirus   

D. Quetzalcoatlus

And the answer is.....  Ornithocheirus  

Congratulations! You were correct!  We will return in Marine Reptiles.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mystery Dinosaur:Long Necks

Warning: Don't just scroll down. Guess first.

I am 32 feet long. I was first discovered in Argentina 1991. I am a small sauropod.

Am I:

 A. Amargasaurus

B. Apatosaurus 

C. Argentinosaurus

D. Brachiosaurus 

....... And the answer is..... Amargasaurus. Was that your answer? Good! You Win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!